In my search to improve our web page and it’s exposure on the internet while exploring what impact the web has on the design community, I found this very interesting survey. It does seem to tell me that we have gone the right direction in being green conscious, environmentally friendly, efficient and resourceful with our web presentation. Here is the link to the article. This is NOT an attachment.
This Design Industry Survey examines several thought provoking issues. As you will see below and in the survey, this covers the internet behaviors, time utilization and decision making patterns of our peers. Here is a brief overview:Market Probe International studies cover a broad spectrum of subjects and issues:
- Advertising Awareness, Penetration Communications, Reactions, etc.
- Awareness, Usage, Attitudes, etc., including Customer Satisfaction and Retention
- Analyses of Trade-Offs and Preferences
- Behavior/Operating Patterns and Decision Criteria
- New Product and Service Development, including Concept Testing and Evaluation
- Attitudes and Opinions
I found this survey very interesting on many levels. I welcome your feedback. Communication is key. Please let me know how I may help. Have a nice week.
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